Can we really work remotely from our motorhome?
- Written by Lindsey Huster
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- 4 min read
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- Last updated 2 years ago
So far, so good! We were all set up in Bluff and had just a little bit of time to start exploring before Keith’s first workday.
Would this work for a month?
We were anxious to see how it would go. Keith and I had been planning this adventure and it really all depended on whether or not he could work from the motorhome. If this didn’t go well, we’d be on to plan b…. which was to find another RV park (with better internet/cell coverage) or go back home.

Working from the motorhome
Keith’s first day of working from the motorhome went very smoothly. He works on east coast time so his working hours are from 6:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. mountain time, our current time zone.
He didn’t wake me up while showering or starting work, which I was concerned about since we’re in such tight quarters and I’m not a morning person! Luckily, I’m a very sound sleeper especially early in the morning, so it’s always worked out for us.
Our routine at home and now in the motorhome works really well for us. The biggest benefit is that 3:00 p.m. end of the workday. This means we have a long afternoon to get out and explore. Especially in the summer with long daylight hours.

Afternoon in Blanding, Utah
After Keith finished working we drove to the nearest town, Blanding, Utah. Blanding is about 30 miles from Bluff. We’d driven through it on the way in but wanted to check out the services. We needed to stop by the hardware store to pick up a couple of things and I was anxious to see the grocery store. Blanding is a small town and you get the feeling that everyone knows everyone, but there’s also a large number of travelers passing through.
Supply and grocery options
Ace Hardware is fantastic for travelers! It has a relatively large inventory of anything you’d need… hardware, plumbing, electrical, office supplies, small appliances, sewing and craft supplies, etc.
Clark’s Market, a grocery store, was a pleasant surprise. It’s definitely small but has an adequate supply of fruits, vegetables, meats, deli, canned goods, etc. Since we were staying for the month, this would work great for us. You do have to buy what they have and what works for your budget. There were a few items that were priced pretty high so we just adjusted our menu. We did have our refrigerator, freezer, and pantry fully stocked before leaving so we only needed some fresh items throughout the trip.
The next town with access to larger store chains like Walmart would have been Cortez, Colorado. Cortez is about 75 miles or 90 minutes away. We never did go to Cortez for supplies. Between the food we stocked up on prior and Clark’s, we ate very well during our stay.
We drove around town to get a feel for the area. We enjoyed seeing homes, a school, a community center, churches, etc. I had heard the community center was quite nice so we stopped in for some information. They offer day passes for $4.00 to access the pool and gym. We were very impressed with their facilities and planned to spend a day at the pool.
Evening to plan
We headed back to make dinner and start planning our week. We had done a tiny bit of research, but we had no idea there was so much to do in San Juan County!
Earl, the manager at the campground, had chatted with us about some must-do activities and provided us with some travel books/maps to help us plan our time. We started looking through the info and knew right away that we wouldn’t get to do everything… even while staying for a whole month! Part of this was due to sites being somewhat spread out, but really there were just so many activities to take part in while in and around Bluff, Utah.
We knew that we’d need to maximize our evenings for adventures. Our calendar quickly filled up with things to do and places to see. I also had to start thinking about how we could take dinner with us to eat while out and about. We quickly fell into an afternoon routine of packing the jeep (and sometimes the dog) for our evening out.

Lexi’s routine
Let's just say that Keith was the only one of the two actually working on this trip.