Family Boating Trips
- Written by Lindsey Huster
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- 5 min read
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- Last updated 2 years ago
Every year for the last 14 years, a big group of family (or those who are like family) take a boating trip to Kentucky or Tennessee. It’s something we all look forward to. I’m reminiscing this year because Keith and I didn’t make the trip. We drove home last summer to attend and decided we would try to make the trip every other year. So this is the 2nd time in 14 years that I (Lindsey) have missed the trip.
Our annual family trip
I cannot even explain to you how much fun we’ve had on these trips! There are funny things that happen each year that we still talk about years and years later! These are mostly inside jokes and wouldn’t be that funny to someone else, but if you are involved in a specific highlight from the trip, you’ll be rolling in laughter for years to come.
Some of my favorites include bathtubs of beer, couch stick, the deca-playlist for the boat, dance off, white sock Wednesday, Christmas in July, two ladies down over a stubbed toe plus a flexing man, Pitch Perfect for 72 hours straight, the first person to pay to the swear jar, hot orange fingernails, spa nights, friendship bracelets, random contests or games, nights and nights of playing cards, etc. Family, please comment on your favorite memories. I know I’m missing some good ones!
The annual planning meeting
Each summer, around the 4th of July we get together for the planning meeting (insert groans here)… some years the planning is rough and other years it’s just as fun as the trip itself! We are a family of list makers, except for one of us…. if you are related to a Federle, you know who I’m talking about. 😉 “The list” as we loving refer to it, is electronic and edited every year. We cook three meals a day so “the list” is basically the grocery list and menu.
It includes absurd amounts of food!
- 30 lbs of potatoes
- 20 lbs of grapes
- 18 heads of romaine lettuce
- 13 lbs of lunchmeat
- 9 lbs of sliced cheese
- 8 packs of hamburger buns
- 20 loaves of bread
- 10 lbs of spaghetti
- 12 dozen eggs
- 11 gallons of milk

Family memories on the lake
We’ve made so many memories during these vacations. We’ve watched the little kids grow up and learn new things, we’ve spent quality time together that we’ll never forget and we’ve become closer as a family because of it. It’s a great tradition that I hope will continue for years to come.
Here are some family photos I dug up over the years, enjoy!

There are so many memories to share!

I swear this is the last batch of memories I am going to share for now. 😉

Ok, I lied... here are a few more.

Finally, the last ones... for real this time.