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House on Fire Trail and Our Ten-Year Anniversary

  • Written by Lindsey Huster
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  • 4 min read
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  • Last updated 2 years ago

We had seen some awesome pictures of ruins called House on Fire. The ruins have a unique rock formation above them. With proper lighting, or some effects applied, the ruins look as if they are on fire.

House on Fire

It was Friday, June 23, 2017, and Keith’s company in Pittsburgh was moving buildings so he worked a few hours and then was off for the rest of the day. This was perfect because it was also our 10-year wedding anniversary!!

We had reservations at the local inn, Recapture Lodge, for the next two nights. Originally we weren’t planning on this stay.  We decided to treat ourselves since it had been and continued to be so hot.  It would be a real treat to have a pool, real showers, AND real air conditioning for two days!

Our plan was to do the short hike to House on Fire in the morning and hang out there for a while. Then, we would check in at the lodge and swim for the afternoon. Finally, we’d have dinner at Cottonwood Steakhouse.

Getting there

We found conflicting information about how to access the trail for House on Fire. After some research, we found this website and followed the directions successfully.  This led us right to where we needed to be. It’s always a good idea to get several references for directions to compare. We’ve found that common mistakes can be written and then it becomes very confusing to find what you are looking for. Many times there is no cell phone service so you can’t even look it up online. Collecting the information before you go is necessary to save time and headaches.

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The hike and the ruins

The hike to House on Fire ruins is an easy 4-mile round trip hike that has an elevation gain of 70 feet. It was the perfect relaxing mid-morning walk/hike for us. You basically follow the wash until you come upon the ruins to your right. One reviewer said, “a quick scramble up some slick rock, which is behind a line of trees, so you can walk right by it if you’re not looking” and that’s the perfect description.

Arriving at the ruins, we were once again impressed and felt thankful we could view these pieces of history. Places of interest like this really make you think about the people who constructed these structures and all the people who have visited since.

Recapture Lodge

Recapture Lodge has a sense of peace and love for nature all around it. As you enter the property, there is what appears to be a small building with trees nearly growing out of the structure. What you can’t see is the row of guest rooms directly behind it or the swimming pool that is nearly hidden amongst the trees and wildflowers. I swear I took pictures from the front and of the pool, but cannot find them. 🙁

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This place was a real hidden gem! As we arrived to check in, we overheard a phone conversation from a woman in another state who wouldn’t be able to make it this year for her annual stay at the lodge due to an injury. I cannot remember how many years she’s been staying, but I remember being totally impressed with not only the number but the relationship that had been built with the local owners of the lodge. I love the uniqueness of local establishments. Recapture Lodge is definitely one of those places.

Happy anniversary to us!

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