Our 100th Post! More About Us!
- Written by Lindsey Huster
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- 8 min read
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- Last updated 2 years ago
We cannot believe that this is our 100th post! Documenting our experiences has been so much fun and we love this online journal of our lives.
Our 100th blog post!
It’s fun to share this with our family, friends, and others along the way. We appreciate everyone who reads, watches, comments, etc. It’s been so encouraging as we have transformed our lives to include moving across the country, traveling, and learning new things.
We thought we’d take this time to tell you a little more about ourselves and the new hobbies we have had since moving to Utah.
Keith's background
I grew up in a small town in southeastern Indiana. I'm an only child and very close with my parents. Moving out west has always been a dream of mine.
I have a fairly diverse educational and professional background including electrical engineering, software engineering, and volunteer firefighting. I currently work remotely full-time as a software engineer which has enabled me to work both from our home and on the road in our motorhome.

Keith's hobbies
Skiing has been one of my most passionate hobbies over the course of my entire life. I was introduced to skiing back in Indiana and fell in love with it immediately. In fact, skiing was one of the major driving forces behind my wish to move to Utah. Since moving to Utah, I've also learned about backcountry skiing and have been out a handful of times.
Several years ago I developed an interest in cycling. There are lots of back roads in Indiana to ride and we have a great trail system near us in Utah. I haven’t cycled as much this past year because I found mountain biking. It’s been a great challenge to learn the basic moves of mountain biking, progress in my skills, and begin to film myself riding.
Backpacking is another activity that has caught my interest since moving. I've been on a few overnight trips and two multi-day hikes. This is yet another unique way I enjoy getting outdoors to explore nature.
I have been able to use his professional skills as a hobby to create our website, YouTube Channel, etc. Currently, I'm working on my filming and editing skills while doing a vlog series of our ski season. This has been a lot of work, but a ton of fun!

Lindsey's background
I also grew up in Indiana, basically in the same area as Keith, although it would be years before we got to know each other. I am very close with my parents, younger sister, and some of my extended family.
Travel is something I have always loved and have been known to invite myself on other people’s vacations! I enjoy seeing new places, learning new things, and sharing my travels with others. I was an elementary school teacher for 14 years and have taken a break from teaching to explore my new state of Utah.

Lindsey's hobbies
I, too, have been learning about various new activities and skills since moving to Utah. There are so many new outdoor activities to learn about and try. I’ve really found a new love for nature through hiking, skiing, and travel in general.
I have always had a love/hate relationship with outdoor activities. Mainly because it’s very hot or very cold, involves something that is potentially scary to me, and is just plain hard for me mentally and physically. Hiking can be hot, although the heat in Utah is nothing compared to the humidity in Indiana! There are snakes, cliffs, etc. that can be scary, but I’m learning to overcome my fears and gain a new appreciation for nature. Hiking has probably been the biggest hobby I’ve acquired. There are so many trails close to our home in Utah. Our weekly plans typically include some type of hike when the weather is optimal and our travel plans also center around hiking.
As Keith has set up our website/channel, I’ve learned numerous skills to blog/vlog. This has been something I’ve been interested in for quite some time and have been able to make that happen since moving. I’ve really enjoyed learning new skills and being able to document our adventures to share with family and friends.
Since moving to Utah, we have been fortunate to spend quite a bit of our time traveling. This takes a lot of planning and preparation. I’ve enjoyed the research aspect of it to organize our trips. This is everything from the actual location of a trip, where we will stay, what we will do, where we will eat, supplies we need, etc. One reason I enjoy this is that I’ll learn about the facts of an area or a site we will visit, but there is so much more when you look beyond the obvious. There is so much to learn about the world around us and it’s fun to find those unusual places or facts. It’s also learning at a whole new level when you are able to interact with people who live in the area and hear their personal stories.

Lexi (our Pug)
I’m a 10-year-old pug who loves to sleep! Seriously… I sleep 16 hours a day. During the day I sleep on a pillow under Keith’s desk, in the evening I sleep on a blanket hammock on the couch, and at night I sleep in a king-size bed that isn’t big enough for the three of us. My second favorite thing to do is eat! I love to eat fruits and vegetables and can be found wherever there is food. Mainly, I stay close to Keith and Lindsey and I think I’m a person!
I’ve traveled more than most dogs, but don’t ask me about it because I’ve slept through 90% of it! Keith and Lindsey were impressed when we were staying in Panguitch, Utah because I hiked my little legs off and did it with a smile. Jeep riding is another fun activity for me, but it was hard to stay awake. Lindsey just told me that we’re going on another motorhome trip this summer and I’m looking forward to it.
Getting older is hard, I've been experiencing some health difficulties for the past year or so. I have trouble feeling my back legs and wobble around quite a bit. Lindsey’s been taking me to laser therapy to help with that. I like the attention at therapy and I’m learning to wear my goggles and sit still. On therapy days, sometimes we take a walk or get coffee afterward. I get a treat at the coffee shop and love the smell of coffee.

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