Our Last Week In Indiana
- Written by Lindsey Huster
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- 3 min read
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- Last updated 2 years ago
Our last week in Indiana was quite hectic. We got back from the annual lake trip and had one last week in Indiana until we headed west. It was crunch time!
Crunch Time
- have Pilot tires aligned (ended up buying all new tires)
- phone calls and paperwork for various things; account transfers, stopping the mail, etc.
- several meet-ups with friends and family to say goodbye
- we still had things in the house to be packed, the few items we were still using like cooking supplies, clothes; everyday items….Keith would be working and his office would have to be packed at the very last minute, and the actual covering of furniture, etc.
- have my step-dad take me to u-haul to pick up the truck (I would be driving it home and I was very nervous)
- pack the u-haul (family and friends would be coming over to help in exchange for pizza)
- have Keith’s dad drive the Pilot while I drive the u-haul back to the dealer so they could load the Pilot (insurance policy)
- one final cleaning of the house (it was still for sale)
- spend the last night with our immediate family

We owe an ENORMOUS thank you to friends and family for helping us pack up!
Our last week flew by!
Everything was happening so quickly and we were so excited about our move. It was really busy and stressful, but it all had to be done and there was finally an ending point.
For months we had created timelines for when we wanted or thought things should be done. We weren’t guessing anymore. It all had to be done.
Having enough time to slow down a bit and truly enjoy the last few days with family and friends was really important. It was weird “saying goodbye,” knowing that some things would not really be any different. Sure, I wouldn’t be able to see my parents and sister, but we’d still text multiple times a day.
Keith and I have always loved technology, but I truly believe if it weren’t for technology I may not have agreed to this move. Knowing that we could email, text, and Skype made the long distance seem a little less crazy.
The night before leaving
I had requested that we spend our last night at my mom’s house with our immediate families. We ordered fried chicken and french fries from the St. Leon Tavern and just enjoyed each other's company. This part of our journey was coming to an end and we just wanted to be with our family.