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Our New Home in Utah

  • Written by Lindsey Huster
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  • 3 min read
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  • Last updated 2 years ago

Arriving at our new home in Utah was super surreal! We had been planning for months and imagining ourselves there. This is what we were waiting for!

This is what we were waiting for!

It was very late Sunday night and we had just driven over 1,600 miles in two days. We were full of excitement and yet extremely exhausted! We basically grabbed our overnight bags and went to sleep. The only thing in the house was an air mattress and one camping chair. This is what Keith used when he was there working in May.

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Moving help would arrive soon

We got a few hours of sleep and got up early to start moving in! I had packed the sweeper, mop, and supplies in the Pilot so that we could clean before moving anything in the house.

We had movers coming early to unpack the truck for us. This was a lifesaver and money well spent. They were awesome! Since we didn’t know anyone in Utah and are on the second floor, there was no way Keith and I would be able to move some of the furniture in.

These guys were so awesome… did I already say that? I need to say it again. They unloaded the entire truck, put our bed together, and helped with other tasks all in only 2 hours!

A much-needed lunch break

After the movers left we realized we needed to eat before continuing with the unpacking.

Keith went to google for advice and we found Thai House Cuisine. There are plenty of restaurants around, but we wanted something local and this place lived up to the 4.9 stars. The food was amazing, great atmosphere, and I loved that it was in an old house!

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Unpacking and organizing

Keith would be working the next day (Tuesday) so he spent most of the day setting up his office. He works from home so this was a top priority.

I worked on everything else. Which was perfectly fine with me. I had already thought a lot about what I wanted to go where and organized it that way when we packed in Indiana. We got about 80%-90% of everything unpacked that first day!

Lexi was plenty tired from trying to keep up with all that was happening during the day. She found time to sleep when she could and was completely exhausted by evening.

Our new home

We had gotten a lot done in one day and would soon be settled into our new home.  So many adventures were waiting to be had and we were ready to make the most of our time in Utah.

Lexi is asleep in her bed after all the moving-in drama
Lexi is asleep in her bed after all the moving-in drama

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