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Weekly Newsletter: June 26th - July 2nd, 2023

  • Written by Keith Huster
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  • 5 min read
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  • Last updated 10 months ago

This week, we experienced the Utah Symphony for the first time. Keith also went on another long bike ride but this time, things didn't go to plan.

Check out our new posts and videos 🆕 🎥 📝

Guide to visiting the Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry at Jurassic National Monument
In this guide, we will introduce you to the dinosaur quarry and also provide our recommendations for visiting this natural wonder.

Our latest blog post

Utah Symphony at Thanksgiving Point 🎻 🎺

Neither Lindsey nor I have been to a real symphony concert before. So, we decided to jump at the opportunity to see the Utah Symphony perform at the outdoor theater at Thanksgiving Point. We arrived early to ensure that we could get good seats as seating was primarily first-come first-serve. This gave us a little over an hour to wander around the beautiful grounds at Thanksgiving Point. To our surprise, we just happened to catch the Dinosaur Island display! 🦖

Eventually, we made our way back to the outdoor amphitheater to listen to the Utah Symphony. This concert was such a treat! They played a mix of classical, historic, and modern music which kept the show very entertaining. The conductor also did a great job of explaining each of the performances so that we had some context as to what was chosen to be played and why.

The night was wrapped up with a spectacular fireworks show. What an incredible evening! 🎆

Post-performance fireworks display at Thanksgiving Point
Post-performance fireworks display at Thanksgiving Point

Keith had a rough day out on the bike 🦟 🥵

Sometimes, things just don't go to plan. Keith researched another long gravel riding route in an area of the Uinta mountains that we haven't visited yet. Keith thought that this would be a great way to spend the day. However, after driving nearly 90 minutes to reach his destination, he was confronted with two major issues that prevented him from starting his ride.

First, the parking area that he had planned to start from was taken over and blocked off by a large group campsite. We are pretty sure that this was not a legit move by the campers but there wasn't much that he could do about it at the time. Second, and more importantly, were the mosquitos!!! 🦟 There were literal clouds of mosquitos all over this area. There were so many that Keith didn't even attempt to get out of the Jeep. So, he turned around and headed back closer to home to find somewhere else to ride.

Keith ended up riding the same Park City gravel loop that he rode last week. However, this time things didn't go as well. Due to the late start, Keith was forced to ride well into the afternoon which meant that he would be traversing the most difficult section of the route at the hottest point of the day. 🥵 Keith's bike computer registered a high temp of 105.8 °F!!! These extreme temperatures led to a mild case of leg cramps and heat exhaustion which made completing the route very difficult. Thankfully, Keith was able to find occasional shelter from the sun and push through to the finish.

Preparing for summer travel 🛫 🧳

We are both super excited about our upcoming summer travel plans. We have finally booked flights home to visit our families in Indiana! As part of our plans for moving to Utah, we decided that we would fly home at least every other year to spend time with our families. This helps us stay connected with everyone and helps prevent us from feeling too distant from those that we love. During this trip, we will also be attending Lindsey's family's annual boating trip to Norris Lake in Tennessee. 🚤 Check out our Family Boating Trips post to see some of our prior trips to Norris Lake.

We have also booked flights and a rental car for a two-week road trip with our friends Jason and Kristen. We will be traveling along the Oregon coast and throughout part of the Oregon interior. This will be our first time visiting the State of Oregon and we can't wait to see what it has to offer. We still have a lot of planning to do for this trip. If you have any suggestions for places to visit in Oregon please let us know in the comments section below.

Upcoming posts and videos 👷‍ 👷‍♀️️

We have one more upcoming post from our trip to Price, UT. Keith is a little behind on these as we have been busy with other tasks. We are working on these posts and hope to have them out prior to our trip to Indiana.

  • Guide to Mountain Biking the Wood Hill Trail System in Price, UT (coming soon)

We are also working on a series of posts, and a race recap video, from our recent trip to Vernal, UT. Be sure to subscribe to our blog and YouTube channel so that you don't miss out.

  • Weekend Road Trip to Vernal, UT (coming soon)
  • The Dirty Dino Gravel Grinder: Keith's Second Gravel Race (coming soon)

We hope that you are enjoying our newsletters. Do you have any big plans for the summer? Let us know in the comments section below.👇 💬

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