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Weekly Newsletter: November 11th-17th, 2024

  • Written by Keith Huster
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  • 5 min read
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  • Last updated 2 months ago

This week, we traveled to New York City, the "Big Apple." 🗽🍎 Keith attended an in-person meetup for a management training program and Lindsey explored this wonderful city.

Check out our new posts and videos 🆕 🎥 📝

Exploring Stanley, Idaho with One of My Best Friends! Part 3 of 3
Exploring Stanley, Idaho with One of My Best Friends! Part 3 of 3

Our latest blog post

Tour Divide 2025 🚵 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣

If you have been following along with us for a while now, you will no doubt know that last year Keith set out on the ambitious goal to conquer the 2024 Tour Divide. Unfortunately, he had to postpone those plans due to a minor knee injury that occurred during training.

Custom logo for the Tour Divide featuring a bikepacking bike (Source: Pinterest)
Custom logo for the Tour Divide featuring a bikepacking bike (Source: Pinterest)

Keith has once again started training for the 2025 Tour Divide. This time, he has a better training plan and is better equipped for the rigors of training for such a long, ultra-distance bikepacking event. Throughout the upcoming winter, Keith will be heavily focused on weight training and short, power-building training rides. He will sprinkle in some long-distance rides here and there but those won't be his primary focus until the spring. Keith will also get some high-altitude training thanks to ski season in the Wasatch Mountains.

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Once spring hits, Keith will start backing off of the weightlifting training and focus more heavily on sustainable, long-distance rides. This approach will create the muscle that he needs to keep his joints, tendons, and ligaments healthy so that they can sustain the extended duration of use that comes from ultra-cycling events.

Be sure to join our community so that you can follow along on this adventure. We will be posting a formal update about his 2025 Tour Divide goals and training progress later this winter.

Keith's work trip to NYC 👨‍💻 🍎

When Keith decided to transition to a management role at his company, he was allowed to take part in a multi-month management training program. Keith joined this management training program, which was primarily remote-based, culminating with a three-day in-person meetup at his company headquarters in New York City.

Keith's employer recently moved their headquarters back to One World Trade Center so Keith was excited to head back to New York and see the city from 82 floors up! 🏙️ Keith spent two and a half days in intense, but fun, training sessions with the rest of the members of his training program. Overall, Keith learned a ton from this program and enjoyed the time he spent getting to know his peers.

Lindsey was also able to join Keith on this trip, more about that below, so we took advantage of Keith's free time after work to see some of the city attractions together.

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Lindsey's first NYC experience 👩 🗽

This past week Keith and I traveled to New York City! Keith had in-person sessions to attend for his management training program at Olo headquarters. I decided to tag along and use this opportunity to do some exploring since I’ve never been to NYC. Although it was a quick trip, I squeezed in as much as possible with the time available. I loved being in the city to see so many famous and historical sites.

Upcoming posts and videos 👷‍ 👷‍♀️️

We have returned from our adventure along the Camino De Santiago, Portuguese Route! 🥳 We will be posting updates about this trip in blog post form soon. We also have several prior trips that we haven't yet shared, so be sure to subscribe to our blog if you haven't done so already.

We hope that you are enjoying our newsletters. Are you ready for the upcoming winter season? Do you have any fun fall activities planned? Let us know in the comments section below.👇 💬

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