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Weekly Newsletter: November 13th-19th, 2023

  • Written by Keith Huster
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  • 6 min read
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  • Last updated 9 months ago

This was an exciting week! Keith traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana for a work trip and we celebrated Lindsey's birthday! 🥳

Check out our new posts and videos 🆕 🎥 📝

Two-Week Road Trip Through Oregon with Friends: Part 1
We went on a two-week road trip throughout the Oregon coast and interior. This is part 1 of the multi-part series.

Our latest blog post

Keith's work trip to New Orleans, Louisiana 🛫 🥁

The company that Keith works for had their first official in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic. Keith flew to New Orleans, Louisiana (aka NOLA) to attend the event and meet his team in person for the first time. Keith's company consists of a mainly full-time remote workforce so most of the company has never had the chance to meet each other face to face in years, if ever!

The team events were fantastic. It was a great opportunity to spend time with colleagues and learn about the company's upcoming 2024 plans. The trip's highlight had to be the marching band parade from the hotel to Brennan's restaurant.

Parade from the Hotel to Brennan's Restaurant

While Keith was in NOLA, he took advantage of the nightly free time to explore Bourbon Street and the nearby Frenchman Street bar and art scenes. This was his first time visiting the area so it was nice to have the free time to get out, explore, and have some fun with his team.

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Lindsey's week alone 💆‍♀️ 👩‍💻

Lindsey enjoys her alone time and since Keith rarely travels anymore, she planned to take full advantage of the extra time by herself. She was looking forward to eating foods that Keith doesn't like; sauerkraut dip and Chick-fil-A! Lindsey also planned to do a little shopping and scheduled a massage for herself.

The week wasn't quite as relaxing as she planned though. Lindsey was given the opportunity to help out another team at her company for the next few weeks. Although she was excited, this created some stress. Lindsey had to quickly learn these new responsibilities and put them into action. By Thursday evening she was eager for that hot stone massage!

Lindsey accomplished everything she set out to do for the week. She was excited about Keith's return on Friday so they could catch up even more from the events of the past week.

Celebrating Lindsey's birthday 🎂 🥳

This week was Lindsey's birthday!!! Keith had a bouquet of flowers sent to Lindsey in an attempt to surprise her and kick off her birthday weekend.

The bouquet of flowers that Keith sent to Lindsey for her birthday
The bouquet of flowers that Keith sent to Lindsey for her birthday

Keith also informed Lindsey that they had dinner reservations but he didn't disclose where they would be headed to. Lindsey was so excited and looking forward to finding out where they would be celebrating. After a short drive towards Salt Lake City, we made our way to Las Botellas in Riverton, UT.

Las Botellas is described as a


The restaurant did not disappoint. We were treated to a fantastic meal that included several unique elements including a rose-shaped margarita garnish, a flaming pepper, a live DJ, and a belly dancer!

We wrapped up Lindsey's birthday weekend the following morning with breakfast at Waffle Love in Provo, UT. Waffle Love is a local chain famous for their extravagantly-topped Liege waffles. The waffles are much lighter and more delicate than a traditional Belgian waffles.

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Tour Divide training update 🚵‍♂️ 😅

This week was Keith's first official "off week" since formally starting his Tour Divide training. Due to his work trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, and Lindsey's birthday weekend, Keith decided to take the full week off from the bike. This was a much-needed rest week for Keith as he has been training very hard for the past few months. It will be interesting to see how Keith's body responds to this rest week when he resumes his training schedule next week.

Signing stating "Have a Break" (Photo by Alexas_Fotos / Unsplash)
Signing stating "Have a Break" (Photo by Alexas_Fotos / Unsplash)

Upcoming posts and videos 👷‍ 👷‍♀️️

The year is wrapping up so quickly... it's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner! 🦃 We have several exciting plans for the remainder of the year that we can't wait to share with you. We are also slowly working on some of the promised blog posts. We will get those out as soon as possible.

We hope that you are enjoying our newsletters. Fall is drawing towards a close. Do you have any big plans for the winter? Let us know in the comments section below.👇 💬

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