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More from Moab with Yi

  • Written by Lindsey Huster
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  • 4 min read
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  • Last updated 10 months ago

Yi had come to Utah to visit us and we had already done so much close to our house near Salt Lake City and in Moab. If you missed it, read our last post Yi does More in Utah than any Other Visitor!


La Sal Mountain loop drive

Keith and I had the La Sal Mountain Loop Drive on our list but had not had the chance to drive it yet. Yi is a cyclist and plans to return to Utah for some long-distance rides so this was one area he was interested in exploring. We decided to drive the loop in the morning and see Canyonlands National Park in the afternoon.

The scenic drive was way more beautiful than I expected! You could see for miles and miles and you were above the town of Moab so you could really see what the landscape around the area looked like from a birds-eye view. There were plenty of places to stop and take pictures or just take it all in.

Dinosaur Tracks and rock climbers

There are several areas in and around Moab where you can view dinosaur tracks! Read more about this HERE. We detoured about 5 miles off the La Sal Loop to visit Bull Canyon Dinosaur Tracks.

The drive ended along the Colorado River where we stopped to see the water and scope out a picnic spot. I was thrilled as we turned back towards the car to see rock climbers. We knew a few spots in Arches where we’d seen climbers before and were disappointed that Yi didn’t get to see any the day before. Now we know another area to look for climbers!

Canyonlands National Park

Next, we headed to Canyonlands. We had plenty of time since we weren’t doing any big hikes so we were able to spend quite a bit of time at each viewpoint. We also hiked/walked to the top of Whale Rock, which was a new activity for Keith and I. It was really cool to be on top of this large sandstone structure. I only wish we had someone taking our picture from the bottom!

We were at Grand View Point around sunset, relaxing with a canyon view when all of a sudden we remembered that we had skipped Mesa Arch on the way in. It was a bit comical the way we all jumped up and rushed in the opposite direction of everyone else to hop in the car and try to make it to Mesa Arch before dark. We arrived just as the sun was setting and enjoyed the colors of the daylight fade at Mesa Arch.

Yi standing at the edge of a massive canyon in Canyonlands National Park
Yi standing at the edge of a massive canyon in Canyonlands National Park 
Mesa Arch at Canyonlands National Park
Mesa Arch at Canyonlands National Park
A stunning view of Canyonlands National Park at sunset
A stunning view of Canyonlands National Park at sunset

To Be Continued… Again!

Check back this Saturday for a BONUS POST about Yi’s visit. The next post will include mountain biking in Moab, a video, and more!

Next Post: More From Yi’s Visit and Mountain Biking in Moab

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