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Hiking for Beginners: Top 5 Takeaways and My Favorite Hikes

  • Written by Lindsey Huster
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  • 4 min read
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  • Last updated 2 years ago

Here are the top 5 things I think new hikers need to be thinking about and these are great reminders even for experienced hikers.

Hiking for beginners

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing information that I’ve learned about hiking for beginners.  I’m no expert, but I’ve learned so much since moving to Utah and subsequently have added hiking to my list of hobbies. Check out my previous posts for more basic information on hiking.

Top 5 Takeaways: Hiking for beginners

  1. Have some trail knowledge; general and specific to the trail you choose to hike.
  2. Carry enough food and water for the trip and extra for an emergency.
  3. Be safe on the trail; wear sunscreen, and carry basic first aid supplies including medical, shelter, and a light source.
  4. Be comfortable and functional in clothing and shoe choices.
  5. Enjoy the entire experience! You are prepared for your hike, now go out and have fun!

Some of my Favorite Hikes

It’s really hard to have one favorite hike! So many hikes are unique for different reasons.  I decided to think about some of my favorites and determine why these hikes stick out.

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Best Scenery: Red Pine Lake

We hiked Red Pine Lake less than 1 month after moving to Utah and the lake was absolutely gorgeous!  This hike was quite difficult for me, but the payoff was worth the sweat and near tears 😉 I especially remember arriving at the lake, seeing people setting up camp for the night, climbing over giant rocks and I swear there were squirrels throwing nuts at us!

Fast Facts:  7.1 miles, 2,099 feet elevation gain, rated difficult

Most Iconic: Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch is a major icon for Utah, it’s used on the license plate, advertising, etc.  We have now hiked to the arch three times.  Each time was special because we were with family and friends.

Fast Facts: 3.1 miles, 613 feet elevation gain, rated as moderate or difficult depending on the source

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Most Mentally Challenging: The Fiery Furnace

The Fiery Furnace hike was mentally challenging for me because it became very difficult to determine what was and what was not the main trail. I became overwhelmed with feeling lost and not knowing how much further we needed to hike to find the exit. The mental difficulty of some of the terrain wore on me as temperatures climbed in the July heat.

Read more about the hike and watch our YouTube video here: Fiery Furnace Hike

Most Physically Challenging: Natural Bridges Full Loop

The combination of heat, lack of water, and my shoes filling with sand during the Natural Bridges National Monument Full Loop Trail made this the trifecta that warrants my most challenging hike.  I ended up losing my toenail because of this hike and nearly two years later, it still isn’t the same.  This could also be labeled as the hike where I couldn’t have been more mad. 😉  I’d love to do this hike again under better circumstances because it shouldn’t have been so hard for me and I wasn’t able to enjoy it as much as I should have.

Read more about the hike and watch our YouTube video here: Natural Bridges National Monument

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What are some of your favorite hikes?

  • Do you have one favorite hike? If so, tell us about it and why it is your favorite.
  • If you can’t choose just one, tell us about a hike that sticks out in your mind and why it’s special to you.

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